Entries by Pendragon Eventing (30)



To Britt Mintz and Everest for winning the PSEC Hunter/Jumper Winter Series Overall Championship!



Join us (Pendragon Stud Equestrian Center) tomorrow, Saturday, January 30th for the final show in this hunter/jumper winter series. The weather here is predicted to be sunny and in the mid 40 degrees! Well, that’s Colorado for ya, cold one day, warm the next. Information is on our website: www.PendragonEventing.com. This fun, relaxed show offers classes from leadline-walk/trot to 3'6" jumpers. $10.00 per class or unlimited entries (same horse/rider team) for only $60.00. Add $10.00 office fee per horse/rider team. Sign up the day of the show or print the entry form from our website and bring it with you. If you have any questions, please call Laura at 720.371.9605 or Leslie at 303.688.4147. Like us on Facebook for updates.

The normal COVID precautions (you know them well by now) apply for this show.

Here is the Top Ten Leaderboard so far:

1. Brittany Minz/Everest. 71pts

2. Addy Dunlap/Ashe 63 pts

3. Garcia Wood/Finn 60 pts

4. Emma Sletten/Frodo. 58 pts

5. Halle Guber/Churchita. 45 pts

6. Melinda Hofmeister/My Brigadier. 40 pts

7. Madeline Backus/Barathean. 32 pts

8T. Abbe Kern/Copper Penny. 29 pts

8T. Ava Spranke/Penny. 29 pts

10. McKenzie Lindell/ 28 pts

Congrats to all!! One more show before final tally. Hope to see you all January 30th!!


Only one to go in PSEC’s hunter/jumper winter series. Join us on Saturday, January 30th for the final show (until our BE&CT on June 12th that is). Show information is on our website: www.PendragonEventing.com and look under Events:Hunter/Jumper. You may also download the entry form from our website. Go to the Forms link under Fast Links and click on H/J Entry Form (or sign up the day of the show). This fun, relaxed show offers classes from leadline-walk/trot to 3'3" jumpers. $10.00 per class or unlimited entries (same horse/rider team) for only $60.00. Add $10.00 office fee per horse/rider team. If you have any questions, please call Laura at 720.371.9605 or Leslie at 303.688.4147.

The normal COVID precautions (you know them well by now) apply for this show.

Here is the Top Ten Leaderboard so far:

1. Brittany Minz/Everest. 71pts

2. Addy Dunlap/Ashe 63 pts

3. Garcia Wood/Finn 60 pts

4. Emma Sletten/Frodo. 58 pts

5. Halle Guber/Churchita. 45 pts

6. Melinda Hofmeister/My Brigadier. 40 pts

7. Madeline Backus/Barathean. 32 pts

8T.Abbe Kern/Copper Penny. 29 pts

8T.Ava Spranke/Penny. 29 pts

10.McKenzie Lindell/ 28 pts

Congrats to all!! One more show before final tally. Hope to see you all January 30th!!

PSEC has added a "jumping only" schooling hunter/jumper show on January 16th

By popular request, Pendragon is offering a jumping only hunter/jumper schooling show on January 16th, starting at 9:00am.

1.  Leadline Pile O' Poles O/F
2.  Walk/Trot Pile O' Poles O/F
3.  Walk/Trot Pile O’ Poles Equitation O/F
4. Pile O' Poles O/F
5. Pile O' Poles Equitation O/F
6. Cross-rails O/F
7. Cross-rails Equitation O/F
8. 18" O/F
9. 18" Equitation O/F
10.  2'3" O/F
11.  2'3" Equitation O/F
12.  2'6" O/F
13.  2'6" Equitation O/F
14.  2'9" O/F
15.  2'9" Equitation O/F
16.  3'0" O/F
17.  3'0" Equitation O/F
18.  2'9" Jumpers
19.  3'0" Jumpers
20.  3'3" Jumpers

Entries: $10.00 per class or $60.00 unlimited entries per horse/rider combination. Add $10.00 office fee per horse/rider combination. Entries in class 1  may not enter any other classes. Post entries only. Management reserves the right to combine/change classes and refuse any entry. A class may be canceled if it has fewer than 3 entries. All riders must wear a helmet with a harness and boots with a heel.

Awards: Ribbons awarded in each class 1st through 5th. NO Championship and Reserve ribbons awarded and points will not apply toward the winter series championship.
Schooling: Schooling will be allowed in the indoor arena from 8:00 - 8:45 am and during lunch break. There is also schooling in the outdoor arena.

We will follow with the last hunter/jumper schooling of the winter series on January 30th.
Information is on our website, PendragonEventing.com, and our Facebook page.




A new year is close upon us and we, at Pendragon Stud Equestrian Center, are hoping to kick it off with the second show in our hunter/jumper winter series on Saturday, January 2nd.

Information on the show is on our website: www.PendragonEventing.com, look under Events:Hunter/Jumper. You may also download the entry form from our website. Go to the Forms link under Fast Links and click on H/J Entry Form. This fun, relaxed show offers classes from leadline-walk/trot to 3'3" jumpers. $10.00 per class or unlimited entries (same horse/rider team) for only $60.00. Add $10.00 office fee per horse/rider team. Sign up the day of the show. If you have any questions, please call Laura at 720.371.9605.

Here is the Top 10 Leaderboard for the Series Championship after one show:

Emma Sletten on Frodo 58 points

Brittany Mintz on Everest 42 points

Garcia Wood on Finn 29 points

Melinda Hoffmeister on My Brigadier 28 pts

Mackenzie Lindell and Churchita 28 points

Addy Dunlap on Ash 28 points

Lina Gustafson on Rocket man 23 points

Rageena Price on Sorority Girl 21 points

Nell Andersson on Ride the Tger 21 points

Melinda Hoffmeister on Peach 20 points

Halle Guber on Sorority Girl 20 points