PSEC has added a "jumping only" schooling hunter/jumper show on January 16th

By popular request, Pendragon is offering a jumping only hunter/jumper schooling show on January 16th, starting at 9:00am.
1. Leadline Pile O' Poles O/F
2. Walk/Trot Pile O' Poles O/F
3. Walk/Trot Pile O’ Poles Equitation O/F
4. Pile O' Poles O/F
5. Pile O' Poles Equitation O/F
6. Cross-rails O/F
7. Cross-rails Equitation O/F
8. 18" O/F
9. 18" Equitation O/F
10. 2'3" O/F
11. 2'3" Equitation O/F
12. 2'6" O/F
13. 2'6" Equitation O/F
14. 2'9" O/F
15. 2'9" Equitation O/F
16. 3'0" O/F
17. 3'0" Equitation O/F
18. 2'9" Jumpers
19. 3'0" Jumpers
20. 3'3" Jumpers
Entries: $10.00 per class or $60.00 unlimited entries per horse/rider combination. Add $10.00 office fee per horse/rider combination. Entries in class 1 may not enter any other classes. Post entries only. Management reserves the right to combine/change classes and refuse any entry. A class may be canceled if it has fewer than 3 entries. All riders must wear a helmet with a harness and boots with a heel.
Awards: Ribbons awarded in each class 1st through 5th. NO Championship and Reserve ribbons awarded and points will not apply toward the winter series championship.
Schooling: Schooling will be allowed in the indoor arena from 8:00 - 8:45 am and during lunch break. There is also schooling in the outdoor arena.
We will follow with the last hunter/jumper schooling of the winter series on January 30th.
Information is on our website,, and our Facebook page.
We will follow with the last hunter/jumper schooling of the winter series on January 30th.
Information is on our website,, and our Facebook page.
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