
A new year is close upon us and we, at Pendragon Stud Equestrian Center, are hoping to kick it off with the second show in our hunter/jumper winter series on Saturday, January 2nd.
Information on the show is on our website:, look under Events:Hunter/Jumper. You may also download the entry form from our website. Go to the Forms link under Fast Links and click on H/J Entry Form. This fun, relaxed show offers classes from leadline-walk/trot to 3'3" jumpers. $10.00 per class or unlimited entries (same horse/rider team) for only $60.00. Add $10.00 office fee per horse/rider team. Sign up the day of the show. If you have any questions, please call Laura at 720.371.9605.
Here is the Top 10 Leaderboard for the Series Championship after one show:
Emma Sletten on Frodo 58 points
Brittany Mintz on Everest 42 points
Garcia Wood on Finn 29 points
Melinda Hoffmeister on My Brigadier 28 pts
Mackenzie Lindell and Churchita 28 points
Addy Dunlap on Ash 28 points
Lina Gustafson on Rocket man 23 points
Rageena Price on Sorority Girl 21 points
Nell Andersson on Ride the Tger 21 points
Melinda Hoffmeister on Peach 20 points
Halle Guber on Sorority Girl 20 points
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