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This is a long one but please read to the end.


Closing date for Pendragon Stud’s Beginner Event and Combined Test to be held June 6th is creeping up on us, so I’m sending this reminder to send your entries soon. No checks will be deposited before closing date so, if anything should happen, you may call me and cancel your entry without penalty up to the time checks are deposited. 




We want everyone to have an enjoyable time at our show and to be safe from COVID-19 with the understanding that there is no way to guarantee not getting contaminated. With this in mind, we will be taking the following precautions:


1. We will not have a concession stand this year (volunteers will have the option to take a sack lunch we will provide or bring your own),
2. We will be scheduling differently in order to minimize the number of people on the grounds at a time,
3. If you feel ill or have symptoms, please stay home,
4. We ask that you self-monitor your temperature. Anything up to 99.5 degrees is acceptable,
5. Barn access is limited to PSEC clients only,
6. There will be no spectators this year. Trainers and parents are, of course, welcome,
7. We ask that you practice social distancing and wear masks in areas where people may congregate,
8. We will sanitize common surfaces often, and volunteers in congested areas will wear masks,
9. We can accept entries via email (cotreehugr@gmail.com) or fax (303.688.0266) and payment through PayPal (*see below) as well as through the mail,
10. We ask that everyone fills out your entry forms as completely as possible, with all signatures affixed, in order to minimize contact for the secretary assistant who will be checking you in,
11. Pony Clubbers will be parked in a separate area away from the other competitors.


There is more information on USEventing.com on how to stay safe at competitions. 


We offer Green-as-Grass, Intro and Lead-line 3-phase classes OR Beginner Novice thru Preliminary combined tests AND dressage test-of-choice AND an extra show jump round following your class ($5.) A pdf file is attached or go to our website www.PendragonEventing.com for information and entry form (under Fast Links, Forms, BE & CT Entry Form. 


If you aren’t planning to show, please consider volunteering. We need a lot of help to put this show on, so if you can help in any way - before, during or after, please call the volunteer coordinator, Carol Jones, at 720.346.4478. Free lunch and a small trinket of gratitude for all volunteers - and it's fun!  


*We now can be paid through PayPal! Sign into your PayPal account (or sign up - it is free),  then go to my account (cotreehugr@gmail.com), click on “send to friend” and send from your bank account (so there won’t be a fee) and put in the amount. Easy peasy. 


Thank you,
Leslie, Laura & Madeline


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