« Updated PSEC Covid-19 Barn Guidelines as of April 26th: | Main

PSEC Covid-19 Barn Guidelines:

In an effort to keep from closing down the barn all together, we will implement these safety measures:

1. Barn hours are from 9am-4:30pm. If you need to come after those times because of work, please let me know and we will make arrangements. I have a sign up sheet on the barn bulletin board for hours that work for you. I would like your times to be consistent for the next several weeks. Please let me know what time frame works for you. Each horse will have a one hour time frame.

2. No more than 2 people from different families at the barn at the same time. Everyone needs to maintain at least 6 foot distance.

3. Horses will be tacked up in their stalls. If you have a horse outside, you may bring them into the wash rack only.

4. Everyone must wear gloves. Please dispose of gloves in garbage can. Please spray everything with disinfectant both before and after you touch it. This is to include handles in and out of every room and the toilet seat :) We are presently using and recommend using a spray bottle of 50:50 chlorhexadine and water.

5. If you are sick, please do not come to the barn .

6. Only trailer-ins that have been in quarantine at their own houses for at least 14 days will be allowed in to use the indoor. No more than 2 riders at a time in the indoor. No coming through the barn for any reason. Parking will be by the indoor, not up by the hay barn please. If it’s muddy, stay off grassy areas. There is enough room to turn around just on east side of barn. You must text Laura before coming.

7. All school horse lessons and Pony Club lessons will be postponed until May 3rd.

I am also open to any other suggestions. Please feel free to text me with any additions or suggestions.

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