
Thanksgiving and Black Friday are behind us but we can still look forward to PSEC’s Hunter/Jumper Schooling Show this Saturday, December 5th. And NWS is predicting a beautiful day - sunny, 50 degrees and no wind!
Information on the show is on our website:, look under Events:Hunter/Jumper. You may also download the entry form from our website. Go to the Forms link under Fast Links and click on H/J Entry Form. This fun, relaxed show offers classes from leadline-walk/trot to 3'3" jumpers. $10.00 per class or unlimited entries (same horse/rider team) for only $60.00. Add $10.00 office fee per horse/rider team. Sign up the day of the show. Ribbons 1st through 5th and Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons and Champion award in each division. Plus a grand prize for the horse/rider combination with the most points at the end of the series. We ask that you wear a mask and social distance if you are in a congested area such as the sign-in table. We will repeat this show on January 2nd and January 30th so mark your calendar for all three shows in this series. If you have any questions, please call Laura at 720.371.9605.
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