
Three down, one to go. Join us on Saturday, February 1st, for the final show in our hunter/jumper winter series. Show information is on our website: and look under Activities:Hunter/Jumper. You may also download the entry form from our website. Go to the Forms link under Fast Links and click on H/J Entry Form (or sign up the day of the show). This fun, relaxed show offers classes from leadline-walk/trot to 3'3" jumpers. $10.00 per class or unlimited entries (same horse/rider team) for only $60.00. Add $10.00 office fee per horse/rider team. If you have any questions, please call Laura at 720.371.9605 or Leslie at 303.688.4147.
Here is the Top Ten Leaderboard with one more show to go:
1T Amanda and everest 161pts
1T Emma and Frodo 161pts
3rd Lynn Robert's and Asia Minor 63pts
4th Melissa Hedtke and Titus 61pts
5th Jonathan Horowitz /Cubby Girl North 51 pts
6th Kristi Radosevich and Capybara 35 pts
7th Rageena Price and Sorority Girl
8th Chase Gubich and Froggy Smalls 31 pts
9T Polly Leech-Lychee and Macgyver 30 pts
9T Randy Sharb and Jameson 30 pts
Congrats to all!! One more show before final tally. Hope to see you all February 1st!!
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