Report & Top 10 - January 7, PSEC Hunter/Jumper Show

It was a coldy but goody today and many of the horses were feeling fresh but other than a couple involuntary dismounts things went well!! Here are the Leaderboard standings:
Kat Neal/ Tell Tale Heart 115
Tecla Gough/Hot Shot Remington 102
Jill Hopcroft/Pony 102
Sophie Wiedenhues/ Rio 81
Maggie Stagg/Zephyr 54
Grace Williams/Guilty Pleasure 53
Nicole Ackerman/Castle 52
Emma Sletten/Gracy 47
Lisa Berg/ Blackie 45
Chandler Kolb/Jayden 45
Delaney Spires/Squirrel 45
Thanks to everyone who came out to day. Such a fun group and now we know what to bribe the judge with, thanks to Jonathan Horowitz!!! Next and last show of the series will be Jan 28. Hope to see you there!
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