PSEC Hunter/Jumper Show - December 5th

Last Saturday was our second show of our H/J series. It was a beautiful day and Christina Henriksen did a fantastic job judging. Here is the updated leaderboard (the pinto pony is running away with it:
Rachel Brandis and Rain 87
Emma Sletten and Gracy 48
Chandler Kolb and Jayden 43
Lauren Jost and Rustic Road 40
Nancy Rush-Isbell and Piper 34
Shannon Lewis and Trix 31
Cindy West and Counting Stars 31
Riley Stafaniaks and Weston 28
Kim Wendel and KB 27
Emily Oliver and Royal 26
Ella Mc Donald and Spencer 26
Congrats to all!! Our next show is January 2. We would love to see you there!!
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