9/21/14 Final Day of Dressage Championships @ CHP

Laura & Patriot 1st FEI Test of Choice
Madeline & Ari Reserve Champions RMDS Jr/YR Second Level Championships
Madeline & Fuzzy 4th RMDS Jr/YR Second Level Championships
Madeline & Fuzzy Champion USDF Jr/YR First Level Championships
Emma & Gabe Reserve Champion USDF Jr/YR First Level Championships
The recap: The weather, although hot the first three days, was really quite nice, the show was well run and the extra curricular activities were a lot of fun. The judges, however, were very low scoring, still, it was a very good weekend for Laura, Madeline & Emma at the Region 5 USDF/RMDS championships:
Laura & Patriot in FEI Test of Choice (showing PSG) brought home two firsts, a second and a third in four classes.
Mads & Fuzzy brought home a Championship in the RMDS YR First Level Championship class, Champion in the Dressage Seat Medal class, Champion in the USDF Jr/YR First Level Championships, an additional first, and a fourth;
Mads & Ari competed in three classes and were Reserve Champions in the RMDS Second Level Championship plus brought home a first and second.
Emma and Gabe competed in four classes and were the Champion pair in the RMDS Jr First Level Championship class, Reserve Champions in the USDF Jr/YR First Level Championships plus were awarded an additional first at First Level and fourth in their DSE
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