December 6th, PSEC H/J show #2

It was a cold and blustery day at PSEC but it was still better than doing house work!!. Thanks to everyone who came to our HJ show and thanks to all the horses....considering the weather, they still all behaved very well. It was great seeing some new faces...human and equine! Here is the current leaderboard standings:
Chandler Kolb and Jaden 65pts
Avery Gibson and Blaze 57 pts
Julia Soechtig and Amigo 56 pts
Nancy Rush-Isbel an Piper 53 pts
Anna Kramer and RM Choc Factory 45 pts
Lauren Jost and Rustic Road 43 pts
Keira Boedigheimer and Cowboy 40 pts
Megan Sheffield and Rockets Firey Kiss 36 pts
Our next show is Jan 3rd. Have a great Holiday Season and see you all in the new year!!
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