October 11th - 13th, USEA Area IX Championships & Colorado Horse Park Fall Horse Trials

The USEA Area IX Championships and Colorado Horse Park's final Horse Trials of the year was very well attended. PSEC had a powerful team presence in ten of the 14 divisions. And we showed up to play!
Madeline and Ari placed 1st in Open Preliminary and was Area IX Reserve Champion with Deanie in the Training Championship division;
Ashley Demander also rode two horses - she and BeBe LaRue placed 5th in Open Training and 7th on Vincenzo in Open Beginner Novice;
Grace Simpson finished a very respectable 7th on Po in the Training Championship division;
At Novice level, Amy Dalrymple and Triton’s Echo were 5th in the Novice Championship division and Jill Hopcroft and Mikey finished 2nd in the Novice Rider division;
At Beginner Novice, Emma Ciafone and Gabe took the Reserve Champion honors in the Area IX Beginner Novice Championship division with Emily Robbins and Carlos only 2.5 points behind them finishing 5th. Melinda Hofmeister took home the blue ribbon in the Beginner Novice Rider division, Noa Crowley, in her first ever horse trials, riding Banks finished 10th in the Jr. Beginner Novice Rider division and Rhonda Roberts and Dan’s Bravado finished 4th in the Open Beginner Novice division.
What a way to end the season!
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