September 21st-23rd RMDS Open Show & Championships
Our barn was represented by Laura Backus riding Patriot in 4th level and PSG, Madeline Backus riding Fuzzy in 2nd and 3rd levels, and Emma Ciafone riding Gabe in Training level.
Day 1:
All three competitors won or were 2nd in every class they entered.
Emma’s 70.521 was the high score of all the Juniors competing that day;
Madeline’s 68.714 was the 2nd highest Junior score of the day and was the 2nd level overall high score (all tests, all divisions).
Day 2:
Laura and Patriot finished 5th in the Open 4th Level Championship class.
Emma’s amazing score of 76.042 won her first place in her class and was the high score of all the Juniors competing that day AND the overall high score of the day (all classes, all levels, all divisions)!
Madeline’s 61.711 score at 3rd level not only gave her a win in that class, it also gave her her final score needed for her USDF Bronze Medal!
Day 3:
Laura rode Patriot in his first ever PSG class and reports that he was a very well-behaved lad. Emma rode very well in the large Junior Training Championship class and placed 4th.
Madeline and Fuzzy placed 1st in their first class of the day and went on to win the Reserve Champion honors in the Junior 2nd Level Championship class.
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