November 10th RMDS Awards Banquet

We knew Emma Ciafone and Gabe had a great year but we’re just now getting an idea of how great it was. Below are the awards they received at the RMDS Awards Banquet last weekend:
*12 and under High Median Champion Training/First Level*
*Single High Score Champion*
*Horse of the Year 12 and Under*
*Reserve Champion Youth Training Level Junior Rider *
*4th Place Training Open*
*American Connemara Society Junior/Young Rider Training Level Champion*
*Cady O'Daly Gabriel Training Level Champion American Connemara Society*
*10th Junior/Young Rider Training Level*
"Thanks for all the great training Laura, and a great year!."
Madeline Backus and Fuzzy were awarded 3rd place Junior at 2nd level.
Congratulations to you both.
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